Portrait mit dem Summicron-R 50
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Autor:  teiki arii [ Sa 26. Nov 2016, 18:17 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Portrait mit dem Summicron-R 50

nice protrait and the weather can get well on with B&W process. Whenever I can, I include hands in portrait because I think it is important... This is a portrait of my niece in B&W with this lens on Pentax K-1. If you allow me.. to illustrate the skills of the Leica Summicron-R 50/2.

Charlotte, Leica-R 50/2 @ 2.8 on Pentax K-1, Iso800, 1/25s. Xpost.

Autor:  shearer [ Mo 28. Nov 2016, 23:48 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Portrait mit dem Summicron-R 50

Hallo Christian, mika und teiki!

Vielen Dank für eure netten und hilfreichen Kommentare!
Gerade bin ich dabei mich neben darktable in gimp einzuarbeiten.
Hier gibt es glaube ich noch so Einiges an Möglichkeiten.
Wenn ich weiter gekommen bin poste ich ein update des Bildes.

Ich hoffe auch, dass ich meine Frau bald mal wieder zu ein paar Fotos überreden kann. ')

Nice B&W picture from your niece and thanks for posting another example with the Summicron (I love this lens :ja: ).
Including the hands in portrait is an interesting idea. I like the effect and wish you much fun with your nice set of Leica lenses!

Best Wishes to spain!


Autor:  teiki arii [ Di 29. Nov 2016, 11:38 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Portrait mit dem Summicron-R 50

shearer hat geschrieben:
Nice B&W picture from your niece and thanks for posting another example with the Summicron (I love this lens :ja: ).
Including the hands in portrait is an interesting idea. I like the effect and wish you much fun with your nice set of Leica lenses!
Hello Ralph,
I live near Spain but I am french. My niece is half french half german by her mother. She speaks perfectly german but I don't... :rolleye:
A lot of people uses Darktable. Is it a nice software with Pentax RAW files?
Best regards.

PS: I use Leica-R lenses because I have been using them for 20 years and I don't want to buy others. Actually, I did, but not very enthusiast since Sigma Art 50 & 35 are huge although they are fantastics. I prefer small Leica-R lenses which are very convenient to me. Besides, My prefered focal lens is 28mm and the Leica Elmarit-R 28/2.8 E55 ROM is fantastic... :thumbup:
I use DxO optics Pro 11 with DNG Pentax K-1 files, Photoshop CC and Lightroom 6.7...

Autor:  shearer [ Mi 30. Nov 2016, 22:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Portrait mit dem Summicron-R 50

Hi Teiki,

good to have a german speaking family member (niece) when writing/ reading in german Pentax forum. :ja:
Does she translate for you or do you understand most words?

Personally, I like darktable very much. I have no comparison with Lightroom, but with Corel AfterShotPro and I prefer darktable by far.
I think compared with Lightroom, darktable is a little bit more technical and has a higher learning curve, but the advantage is that it is very function rich.
Currently, I start learning gimp to use it in addition to darktable.
Ahh, before I forget it: Darktable is not available for windows, but for Mac and Linux.

I understand your opinion about Leica lenses. I also love the relatively small form and the very nice metal body. A little bit similar are the Pentax Limited lenses.
In the focal length of 28 mm, I recently bought a Pentax smc K 28, 3.5, which is also very nice but far cheaper than the Elmarit 28 II.
I think the Leica 28 II is a very, very nice lens, but currently too expensive for me, therefor I own the 24 mm Elmarit, which is a nice focal length on APS-C.
Besides this, I further own the Elmarit Macro 60 mm and the Summicron 50, where the Portrait pictures were made with.

Best greetings from Germany,

teiki arii hat geschrieben:
shearer hat geschrieben:
Nice B&W picture from your niece and thanks for posting another example with the Summicron (I love this lens :ja: ).
Including the hands in portrait is an interesting idea. I like the effect and wish you much fun with your nice set of Leica lenses!
Hello Ralph,
I live near Spain but I am french. My niece is half french half german by her mother. She speaks perfectly german but I don't... :rolleye:
A lot of people uses Darktable. Is it a nice software with Pentax RAW files?
Best regards.

PS: I use Leica-R lenses because I have been using them for 20 years and I don't want to buy others. Actually, I did, but not very enthusiast since Sigma Art 50 & 35 are huge although they are fantastics. I prefer small Leica-R lenses which are very convenient to me. Besides, My prefered focal lens is 28mm and the Leica Elmarit-R 28/2.8 E55 ROM is fantastic... :thumbup:
I use DxO optics Pro 11 with DNG Pentax K-1 files, Photoshop CC and Lightroom 6.7...

Autor:  dare76 [ Di 3. Jan 2017, 04:46 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Re: Portrait mit dem Summicron-R 50

Hallo shearer
Die #2 von den oberen Bildern. Wirkt spontan. Die anderen erwecken bei mir den Eindruck das Modell hat sich positioniert. Ist mir klar, das es so ist, jedoch ist die #2 sehr natürlich.
Weiter so freue mich schon auf eine neue Serie von Euch.
Lieben Gruss

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